prerequisites: Basic knowledge of functional programming

“Beware of bugs in the above code;
I have only proved it correct, not tried it.”
Donald Knuth


In this post, we give a short primer on interactive theorem proving in the Coq Proof Assistant (or simply, Coq) with the guiding example of natural numbers and their basic arithmetic operators.

Rather than give a theoretical introduction to the The Curry-Howard isomorphism and Dependent types, this post will have a hands-on approach and focus on writing code and doing proofs. By the end of this small tutorial we will have done the following:

  • Defined a type in Coq corresponding to the natural numbers,
  • defined addition and multiplication functions for natural numbers, and
  • proved basic arithmetic properties about these functions.

How to define natural numbers in Coq

In order to define an (inductive) type in Coq, we start by writing the Inductive keyword followed by the name of our type, nat (as in natural number), and the keyword Type. This tells Coq that we are defining an inductive type named nat. Next, we specify the set of constructors from which to create a nat. Here, we start by specifying the base case, O : nat, which states that O is a constructor that takes no arguments and returns a nat. In layman’s terms, we are basically saying that zero is a natural number. Then, we specify the inductive case, S : nat -> nat, which states that S is a constructor that takes one argument, a nat, and returns a nat. Once again, what we are really saying is that the successor of any natural number is itself a natural number, which gives us the following definition:

Inductive nat : Type :=
| O : nat
| S : nat -> nat.

We can instantiate types like nat using the Compute keyword followed by the constructor. For example, if we wanted to create nats corresponding to the natural numbers 0, 1, and 2, it would look like this:

Compute O.
Compute (S O).
Compute (S (S O)).

Notice the nice onion-like structure where we add another layer of S for each time we increment the value of a natural number. As we will see in the next section, this onion-like structure allows us to write some elegant definitions of classic operators like + and *.

How to define addition and multiplication in Coq

In order to define a (recursive) function in Coq, we start by writing the Fixpoint keyword followed by the name of our function, plus, its arguments, (n m : nat), and its return type, nat. Similar to when we were defining the nat type, we are now telling Coq that we want to define a function named plus which takes two natural numbers, n and m, and returns a natural number. Next, we add the body of our function which in this case consists of a pattern matching, match n with ... end, on the structure of the first argument, n. If n is O we return the second argument m, otherwise n must be the successor of another natural number n', so we peel a successor layer off n and apply it to the result of adding n' and m:

Fixpoint plus (n m : nat) : nat :=
  match n with
    | O => m
    | S n' => S (plus n' m)

The intuition behind this recursive function is to take two onion-shaped natural numbers, peel off one layer of the first number, add it to the second number, and repeat these two steps until there are no more layers to peel off the first number at which point we return the second number. Also notice how we do not have to worry about null checks or similar junk in our pattern matching since our initial type definition states the only two ways to construct a natural number: by applying O or S.

If we want to add two natural numbers, we can use the Compute keyword again like so:

Compute (plus O (S O)).
(* ==> S O *)
Compute (plus (S (S O)) (S O)).
(* ==> S (S (S O)) *)
Compute (plus (S (S O)) (S (S (S O)))).
(* ==> S (S (S (S (S O))))) *)

where (* ... *) is simply a Coq comment that we use to show the expected output of our computations.

Besides defining new types and functions, Coq also gives us the ability to define our own notation, thus we can introduce the traditional infix syntax for plus, +. We do this by writing the Notation keyword followed by a string describing the intended notation, the function call corresponding to the notation, and a precedence level:

Notation "x + y" := (plus x y) (at level 50, left associativity).
Compute ((S (S O)) + (S O)). (* ==> S (S (S O)) *)

While we will not go into that much detail about custom notation, know that it can be a useful tool when we want to define our own domain specific language to better describe a specific mathematical problem or space. As a further example, Coq provides the convenient notation of arabic numerals, when using the built-in nat type, such that we can write 5 instead of S (S (S (S (S O)))).

To recap: So far we have defined our first recursive function, plus, called a Fixpoint, which adds two instances of the nat type, by repeatedly peeling off one successor layer, S, from its first argument and applying it to the result of adding the remainder of the first argument with the second argument. Furthermore, we have also introduced our own notation so we can use the traditional infix symbol, +, when adding instances of the nat type.

Having defined our addition function, plus, we can use the exact same approach to define our multiplication function, mult, where the only difference is that in the result of the inductive case pattern matching, S n' => m + (mult n' m), we add the second argument m (notice the use of + rather than plus) to the result, instead of S.

Fixpoint mult (n m : nat) : nat :=
  match n with
    | O => O
    | S n' => m + (mult n' m)

Compute (mult (S (S O)) O). (* ==> O *)
Compute (mult (S (S O)) (S (S O))). (* ==> S (S (S (S O))) *)

Notation "x * y" := (mult x y) (at level 40, left associativity).
Compute ((S (S O)) * (S (S O))). (* ==> S (S (S (S O))) *)

Now that we have defined our natural number type, nat, and defined two functions that manipulate natural numbers, plus and mult, we are ready to start proving basic properties about these functions.

How to prove basic properties in Coq

In order to define a proof, we start by writing the keyword Lemma followed by the name of our proof, plus_O_l, and its statement, forall (n : nat), O + n = n. If we break down the statement of the proof, then the first part, forall (n : nat), essentially says that what follows next, O + n = n, is true for all natural numbers (forall is a so-called quantifier). The second part, O + n = n, simply states that zero plus a natural number is equal to that natural number:

Lemma plus_O_l :
  forall (n : nat),
    O + n = n.

The way we begin to prove our statement is by writing the keyword Proof which gives us the following content in our goal buffer:

forall n : nat, O + n = 

which says that we have to prove the conclusion forall n : nat, O + n = n (the stuff below the horizontal rule) and that we currently have no hypotheses (the stuff above the horizontal rule). Now, if we write intro n, we instantiate the quantifier such that the forall n : nat disappears from our conclusion and is added as a hypothesis:

n : nat
O + n = 

allowing us to better manipulate the statement in our conclusion. Having introduced our natural number n, we can apply a so-called unfold proof tactic, unfold plus, which tries to apply plus to the arguments in the conclusion. Since plus O n returns n, according to the definition of our plus function, we get:

n : nat
n = 

Now that the left- and right-hand side of the equality, =, in the conclusion are exactly the same, we can apply the reflexivity proof tactic, which proves the current conclusion if the left- and right-hand side of an equality are trivially equivalent. To finish the proof we write the keyword Qed, and our final proof looks like this:

  intro n.
  unfold plus.

Thus we have now proved our first lemma. Even better: just like we could reuse the structure of the definition of plus, when defining the mult function, so can we reuse the proof structure of plus_O_l, when proving the equivalent property of mult, mult_O_l, which says that for all natural numbers, zero times a natural number is zero:

Lemma mult_O_l :
  forall (n : nat),
    O * n = O.
  intro n.
  unfold mult.

Having proved that zero plus a natural number is equal to that same natural number, the next logical step is to prove that a natural number plus zero is also equal to that same natural number:

Lemma plus_O_r :
  forall (n : nat),
    n + O = n.

As before, we first intro n to remove the forall quantifier:

forall n : nat, n + O = 

which gives us the intended conclusion n + O = n:

n : nat
n + O = 

However, now we cannot just unfold plus and be done with it. The reason for this is that in the implementation of plus we pattern matched on the first argument, n, and thus cannot trivially infer anything from the definition of plus about what the result is when we let the second argument be O. So for this we will need to use a proof technique known as structural induction. The basic idea behind structural induction (on natural numbers) is the following:

  • If we can prove that some property, P, holds for the base case, O, written P O, and
  • we can prove that the property holds for the inductive case, S n', if we assume that it already holds n', called the induction hypothesis, written forall (n' : nat), P n' -> P (S n'),
  • then the property holds for all natural numbers, written forall n : nat, P n.

In practice, we do this with the command induction n, which tells Coq to do induction on the natural number n. What happens then is that we get two subgoals we have to prove: a base case, O + O = O, and an inductive case S n' + O = S n':

O + O = O

subgoal 2 (ID 19) is:
 S n' + O = S 

In order to prove the base case,O + O = O, we can again use the definition of plus, as the first argument is O, and do unfold plus followed by reflexivity, leaving us with the inductive case:

n' : nat
IH_n' : n' + O = n'
S n' + O = S 

Here, we notice a new addition to our hypotheses: the induction hypothesis, IH_n': n' + O = n', which lets us assume that the property we are trying to prove already holds for n'. But first we have to massage our conclusion into a state where we can use this hypothesis. Once again, if we look at the definition of plus, we actually know what the result of applying plus on S n' and some m is: S n' => S (plus n' m). Thus, we can again unfold plus giving us:

n' : nat
IH_n' : n' + O = n'
S (n' + O) = S 

Our conclusion now contains the statement (n' + O), corresponding to the left-hand side of our induction hypothesis, IH_n'. This allows us to do a so-called rewrite from left to right, rewrite -> IH_n', where we substitute the expression in our conclusion corresponding to the expression found on the left-hand side of the equality in IH_n' with the right-hand side of the equality in IH_n':

n' : nat
IH_n' : n' + O = n'
S n' = S 

We have now reached a point where the left-hand and right-hand side of the equality in the conclusion are trivially equivalent. Thus, we can again use reflexivity and our proof, that a natural number plus zero is equal to that same natural number, is done. The code corresponding to the proof outlined above looks like so:

  intro n.
  induction n as [ | n' IH_n' ].

  (* case: n = O *)
  unfold plus.

  (* case: n = S n' *)
  unfold plus; fold plus.
  rewrite -> IH_n'.

with the addition of as [ | n' IH_n' ] in the induction proof step, which is some extra syntax used to properly name the natural number and induction hypothesis used in the inductive case of the proof. Furthermore, we have also added a few comments, surrounded by (* ... *), to indicate when we reach the two cases of the proof, and lastly there is also a small twist regarding the last use of unfold which is immediately followed by a fold command. Without going in to too much detail, the use of unfold/fold is an idiom relating to the way Coq tends to unfold a recursive call too eagerly, so we immediately call fold afterwards to get the expression we expected.

Having proved that a natural number plus zero is equal to that same natural number, we can use the exact same approach to prove that a natural number multiplied by zero is equal to zero:

Lemma mult_O_r :
  forall (n : nat),
    n * O = O.
  intro n.
  induction n as [ | n' IH_n' ].

  (* case: n = O *)
  unfold mult.

  (* case: n = S n' *)
  unfold mult; fold mult.
  rewrite -> plus_O_l.
  rewrite -> IH_n'.

The only difference in the proof script for mult is the extra proof step rewrite -> plus_O_l, which demonstrates how we can use our already proved statement, plus_O_l, to manipulate the conclusion of a goal in another proof.


In this post, I have given a primer on interactive theorem proving in the Coq Proof Assistant with the guiding example of natural numbers and their basic arithmetic operators. For further reading, I recommend the book Software Foundations by Pierce et al. which gives a nice and enjoyable introduction to interactive theorem proving in Coq.